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About Your Therapist

When you know me,

             you get to know a piece of my heart.

The Early Years


According to my mom (God rest her soul) I showed signs of my calling as a toddler! Reportedly I started talking at a very early age and was the most inquisitive child she had ever encountered. Not only was I inquisitive about everything in my environment, I was un-accepting of simple or surface answers;  I had to know "why" things were the way they were. I had an innate desire to explore "Cause and effect". I am a born therapist! That said, it stands to reason that  "Cause and effect" has become the  premise of my approach to therapy.


My Calling to Serve

Life is a journey filled with experiences, some positive and uplifting, some challenging and painful. Sharing our experiences enriches our lives and the lives of those we encounter on our journey.  None of us are exempt from heartache, disappointment, and pain, yet somehow we find it easier and more acceptable to share our triumphs and hide our pain.


I am no stranger to the pitfalls of this journey, nor the lasting effects of physical and emotional pain on the human heart and spirit. It's challenging to keep moving forward when all you really want to do is give up! Sometimes each day brings a deeper level of darkness. I know what it feels like to go to sleep exhausted and wake up feeling the exact same way. It hurts to feel alone, and to be alone, in your pain. Fortunately, I know about the healing effects of sharing your painful experiences and emotions with someone authentic, caring, and understanding.


I am aware, that for you the client, sharing on this level is not an easy decision to make. As your therapist I will be that non-judgmental person that will be available to meet you where you are on your journey and provide a safe place for you to address your pain and find healing and the strength you may not know you possess.


My Core

I am a dedicated therapist with 18 years of experience helping to heal wounded hearts and spirits. Over the years I have not lost sight of who I am, and what I bring to the therapeutic relationship. In addition to being a therapist I am a Christian, daughter, sibling, mother, grandmother, wife/ex-wife,  relative, friend, neighbor, and coworker. Within these relationships I have experienced many aspects of "relationship dynamics." 


I have given and received support and become wiser and stronger through these interchanges. A measure of the wisdom I gained was born from pain which is often true of the "relationship dynamics". However, let this truth be known, there lies within these relationships, the product of who I am!!


That said, I am confident I can help you on your journey. It's what I was born to do.


When We Meet

In our sessions I will promote peace and tranquility to allow for easy release of your most stressful/painful narratives. I will promote behavioral and emotional transformation by encouraging a positive hopeful outlook and the adoption of new attitudes and reactions. I will utilize proven clinical tools and  my professional and personal experiences to help you cope with the challenges you may be facing and get back on track. 


To help you reach your goals, I utilize psycho-dynamic therapy, cognitive therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and reality therapy, just to name a few. My career as a therapist, for me, is a call to duty. I provide a safe and comforting place, free of judgment, for clients to explore and ultimately overcome the history that has caused wounds and detoured them from living their best life. I am thankful for a lot of things in life, one of those things being the opportunity to have a Heart-to-Heart conversation with an unbiased, nonjudgmental person. It has a most definite healing effect...try it.


Educational and Professional

Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work Administration from The University of Chicago (2002)

 Licensed Clinical Social Worker ( Texas License # 66601)

 Clinical Experience:

  • Substance Abuse Treatment Facility- Outpatient Individual and group counseling

  • Non-Profit Agency- Transitional Living Program for single mom's 

  • Independent Living- Individual and group counseling

  • Independent Contractor- Department of Child Services, Child Protective Services, Court mandated clients.

  • Parent Educator

  • Agency- Individual and Family Counseling

  • Private Practice Therapist


Therapeutic Approach: Cognitive-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Reality Therapy.


Ready to take that first step? It's often the hardest, but you can do it. I'm here to guide you to healing.



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