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 Heart-to-Heart Counseling


Healing Hearts. Healing Relationships.

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”

Sigmund Freud


Your Broken Heart is a Big Deal


There is so much that can be said about your heart - it has the capacity to hold so much. Most of your life's experiences are tucked away in the crevices and layers of this secret place. It can be said that a lot of your outward behaviors reveal what is in your heart. 


Sometimes the pain hurts so bad you find it hard to work through it, or you don't have the means to resolve it on your own. You find yourself exhausted. You have low energy which makes it hard to carry out normal everyday activities. You feel stuck in a cycle of behaviors that cause anger outbursts, rage, alcohol use, or perhaps you shut down. You worry a lot, but it's not your normal worry - it's like a million thoughts travelling a million miles an hour in your head. The worry affects your sleep, your desire to eat; and maybe even your desire to live.  You're stressed and it shows up as headaches, stomach or body aches. The heaviness is indescribable but you know it's there.


When your heart is wounded, you lash out at others. You can't help it. The hurt bubbles up and spews out in hurtful words, actions and behaviors. You find it hard to shut off the negative thoughts. It's hard to see the light when you're in this space. There is so much sadness. You become despondent and disappointed. You are in despair.


A broken heart can cause you to look back with regret. Why didn't I? If I only... Regret can feel like an aching pain that extends down into the core of your soul. Questioning...wondering. It's hard to look ahead when you spend so much time looking back.


A broken heart affects not only you, but every other aspect of your life - Your Relationships. Your Job.  Your Future.  Your Everything!


Your Heart needs healing. 


Life can be precious and fulfilling, but also dark and challenging. You can’t change the past. However, you can achieve healing from your past. You can learn to come to terms with the past, learn to operate in the present, and be better prepared for the future with a healed and mended heart.


Your past issues have to be resolved at the core so your future concerns can be approached from a place of recovery. As you trust the therapeutic process that we will build together, you will find healing from your past, peace with your present, and hope for your future.


Whether you are a woman who is trying to manage your mental and emotional health while wearing too many hats; a man struggling with toxic masculinity, or a senior who is stuck resenting his/her past, heart issues will prevent you from living your best life.

Healed hearts lead to healed relationships.

The first and most important relationship that needs to be healed is the one you have with yourself. We are products of our experiences and environments. This is not an excuse for anyone's behaviors, but instead, it's insight. I don't ask why you did what you did. I ask what happened to you to cause you to do what you did. This is cause and effect. 


When you can get down to the root of the hurt, the pain, the disappointment, you gain access to healing. 


Let's start working on your heart today. Your new, your next, is waiting for you now.


Click here the link to schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Areas of Specialty
Stress & Anxiety
Men's Issues
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